Italian Lesson Two Everyday Talk – Addressing people
Italians are quite formal when addressing each other. When greeting someone in the street or shop you can simply say buon giorno, signora (for a woman) and buon giorno, signore (for a man). If you are not sure how formal to be, a good alternative for hello is salve which you can use with anyone. Among young people and friends, you will hear ciao.
1.How are you?
come sta?
ko-may sta
2. hi, Nancy
ciao Nancy
chow mee-ke-lay
3. fine thanks
bene grazie
be-nay grats-yay
4. hello
buon giorno
bwon jor-no
5. bye, Bruna
ciao Bruna
chow loo-ee-za
6. and you?
e lei?
e lay
7. piacere
nice to meet you